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Cyberpunk 2077: Another Masterpiece in My Heart

On December 10, 2020, Cyberpunk 2077 was finally released. As a fan of The Witcher 3, I want to share my thoughts on Cyberpunk 2077, and I must say it has exceeded my expectations. I thought I had lost my passion for gaming, but Cyberpunk 2077 has reignited that fire within me.

As a fan of story-driven games, I usually judge the quality of a game based on its storyline. While graphics, music, and gameplay are important, what matters most to me is a captivating story. Simply put, if I can't even get through the main storyline, I consider it garbage. I won't mention any examples to avoid controversy, but if I can't enjoy the main storyline and the side quests are lackluster, I consider it an average game, like the Ubisoft series. If both the main storyline and side quests are enjoyable, I consider it a masterpiece, like The Witcher 3 or The Last of Us. Generally speaking, I can complete an average game, but it won't bring me much joy. On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoy playing a masterpiece, but if the pacing is too slow, I might lose interest, like with Red Dead Redemption 2. Conversely, if the pacing is too fast, I might feel unsatisfied and uncomfortable.

Therefore, since completing The Witcher 3 in 2015, the only game I have played that I didn't find boring, had the perfect pacing, and thoroughly enjoyed is Cyberpunk 2077.

To be specific, it took me 38 hours to complete the main storyline in my first playthrough, and I completed all the major side quests before reaching the final ending (which includes all the side quests listed in the mission log). Here are my thoughts:

  1. Personally, I believe the storyline is on par with The Witcher 3. If you think the storyline is not as good as Watch Dogs 3, please skip to the next point.
  2. The major side quests are well-developed and could easily pass as main quests in other games. Don't miss them.
  3. The pacing is a bit fast for my liking, but it's still within a comfortable range. I hope the upcoming DLCs will be just as good.

If you think I've only played a few games and Cyberpunk 2077 is the only one I've completed comfortably, let me tell you that I've spent around 30,000 RMB on games in the past five years. I've played both console and PC games, covering 95% of the mainstream AAA titles, including some AAA titles that I knew were disappointing. But I can't let myself be fooled, like with The Last of Us 2 (I apologize, but I'm allergic to playing golf for physiological reasons, so I hope you won't judge me).

Although I've said all that, there may still be some games that I've missed. I welcome recommendations for games with good storylines. If I've played them, I'll provide my thoughts on why I didn't find them appealing. If I haven't played them, I'll make sure to check them out.

Screenshot of the game: Sakura Chapter

Screenshot of the game: Wilderness

Now, let me express my feelings and share something awkward. After finishing the game, just like when I finished The Witcher 3, I felt a bit depressed.

An excellent game reveals its excellence the moment you finish playing it. V's life is filled with passion, composure, trust, betrayal, passion, and calmness. In comparison, my life feels dull and uninteresting. When CDPR's logo appeared in the credits, it felt like I had taken the red pill and awakened from a dream. At that moment, I could understand Johnny Silverhand's desire for V's body. If I were offered a life like V's but with only six months to live, would I accept it? "Do you want to be a legend or just mediocre?" I think I would accept it.

Speaking of the red pill, observant players may notice that the inhibitors in the game are red, while the boosters are blue. Does this also imply the true ending of the game?

The four days of gameplay provided a temporary escape for my body and mind, freeing me from the endless cycle of real life. It's time to take the red pill and return to reality. I believe what awaits me next is the DLCs for Cyberpunk 2077 and CDPR's next masterpiece. I hope CDPR never forgets its original intention and continues to tell great stories.

Screenshot of the game: A photo with a wife

Meme about completing a great single player RPG game that tells a good story

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