

Probably a full-stack, mainly focusing on Distributed System / Consensus / Privacy-preserving Tech etc. Decentralization is a trend, privacy must be protected.

Preparing to migrate the blog to

Before this, I mainly used my self-maintained Soptlog as my blog. Soptlog originally came from Huxpro's open source project, and I have done a lot of secondary development on it, including adaptive night mode, Medium-style image loading (from blurry to clear), static blog post encryption, and a lot of Jekyll plugins written in Ruby for blog compilation optimization.

However, my friends may have noticed that since I started reading blogs, the update cycle of Soptlog has become very long, and it may not be updated for a year. As for the content, I actually have a lot of inventory, but the main reason I don't bother to publish it is because it's troublesome. In the past, to publish a blog post on Soptlog, I needed to complete the following steps:

  1. Complete Markdown writing, including text, images, and other multimedia resources.
  2. Upload the images to the img folder of Jekyll and categorize them for easy management.
  3. Upload other multimedia materials to my server.
  4. Replace the images in Markdown with the internal address of Soptlog, and replace other multimedia materials with the address of my server.
  5. Compile locally and test for any issues.
  6. If there are no issues, upload to Github and trigger Vercel for CI.
  7. Manually register this blog post on another server for tracking the number of visits.

When I was an undergraduate, I had more time, so the above content was not a problem. After starting my Ph.D., I gave up the idea of sharing something when I thought about how troublesome it would be. Later, I found DIYgod's newly developed xLog on Github, and tried it out, which simplified the above process to:

  1. Complete Markdown writing, including text, images, and other multimedia resources. (Done)

It's so cool, isn't it? (Please understand us static blog users compared to those using dynamic blogs like Wordpress) And what's even better? The entire blog is built on Crossbell and IPFS, which means that all the text can theoretically be permanently saved and owned by the author. This is exactly what I want to do with Soptlog next, but I don't have the time to do it!

So, starting today, I may prioritize updating content on xLog, and when I have time, I may synchronize it to Soptlog. Please take care of me~

Ownership of this post data is guaranteed by blockchain and smart contracts to the creator alone.